Chandler residents are invited to take an annual budget survey. | Pixabay
Chandler residents are invited to take an annual budget survey. | Pixabay
The City of Chandler is encouraging residents to give their thoughts on the community as the city begins the budget process.
Residents can provide their thoughts through the annual budget survey, according to a press release from the city. Residents can take the time to complete the survey between Oct. 5 and Nov. 15.
"City staff asks that residents answer at least the first six general questions of the survey which should take about two minutes. The remaining questions allow you to provide specific feedback on any or all of our targeted topics," the city said in the press release. "These topics are based on the six city council strategic goals, which include: Being the Most Connected City (Transportation, Mobility, Technology); Being a Leader in Trust and Transparency (Communication/Citizen Engagement); Maintaining Fiscal Sustainability (Financial Services, Cost of Services); Attracting a Range of Private Sector Businesses (Employment/Economic Vitality); Fostering a Contemporary Culture that Embraces Unity (Arts, Culture, Recreation); Being Safe and Beautiful (Public Safety, Parks Neighborhoods, Infrastructure)."
Survey results are shard among the city manager, city council members and the mayor of Chandler to help create budget plants.