
SE Valley Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Arizona U.S. Rep Andy Biggs: "We must use the term, illegal alien. Any person who resides in the U.S. but is not a citizen is an..."


Andy Biggs tweeted the following:

"We must use the term, illegal alien.
Any person who resides in the U.S. but is not a citizen is an alien" as defined by law.
Aliens who enter our country through improper channels (i.e. climbing over the wall, overstaying a visa) are here illegally.
Illegal alien."
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Here are other recent tweets from Andy Biggs:

"Harvey isn't fighting for 'social justice.'
She is literally funding a criminal cartel! twitter.com/FAIRImmigratio"
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"We're 31+ trillion in debt and the Biden White House still wants us to raise the debt ceiling.
If we can't say no now, when else can we?"
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"We are starting immediate oversight in the @GOPoversight committee.
On Wednesday, we are holding a hearing on the waste, fraud, and abuse found in federal pandemic spending.
We'll make sure bad actors who blew through this money are not let off the hook."
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