
SE Valley Times

Monday, February 3, 2025

Funding Awarded for Housing and Community Development Programs

John giles

Mayor of Mesa John Giles | Official headshot

Mayor of Mesa John Giles | Official headshot

The City of Mesa has received over $6,565,000, which includes over $6 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), for various programs to help Mesa residents in need during the 2023/2024 fiscal year.

The funds awarded by HUD through its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs support housing and community development activities in Mesa that benefit low and moderate-income residents and assist in preventing slum and blighting influences. The City has also announced funding for its Human Services programs, which receive money from the General Fund and the ABC: A Better Community program contributions.

“Mesa appreciates how the federal government is stepping up to find local solutions to issues, especially homelessness, which includes important annual allocations like the HUD funds, said Natalie Lewis, Deputy City Manager. “It also includes once in a generational capital funding from US Treasury launched during the pandemic that will deliver long-term local tools/resources, and cross-agency technical assistance to identify ways to remove barriers that expedite local results.”

The list of funding recommendations was submitted by Mesa City Council to HUD as part of the City’s Annual Action Plan, following a 30-day public comment period and City Council and Human Services Advisory Board public meetings earlier this year. Mesa allocated the funding to various programs, including homeless and crisis services, food and basic needs, health services, youth services and education, employment training and tax and legal assistance.

Among the allocations:

$1 million to the City of Mesa for its Emergency Rehabilitation Program to offer grant assistance to address emergency items in disrepair, such as air conditioners in the summer, water heaters, plumbing and electrical issues impacting the immediate livability of a home

$1.5 million to the City of Mesa for its Major Rehabilitation Program, a deferred loan program to address extensive home repairs

$300,000 to the City of Mesa for its Utility and Rent Deposit Program

$1 million to the City of Mesa to replace playground equipment, upgrade playground surfacing and install shading at Whitman Park, 1750 N. Grand. The project includes ADA accessibility improvements to the playground and surrounding parking area

$350,000 to the City of Mesa to install playground equipment and benches, install shading and add playground surfacing to achieve ADA accessibility at Aripine Park, 915 S. Horne

$198,258 to Copa Health, Inc. for the Homeless Day Center and Community Court Navigation

$100,000 to Child Crisis Arizona for counseling services for the homeless, foster children and youth in Mesa

$120,728 to A New Leaf for the East Valley Men’s Center

$119,562 to Save the Family Foundation of Arizona for Rapid Rehousing

A complete list of agencies and funding allocations is available on the City’s website.  

Original source can be found here.