Kim Wilson FACS, Scholar Council | Heritage Academy
Kim Wilson FACS, Scholar Council | Heritage Academy
Don’t forget this Saturday is the Heritage Academy Car Show. In addition to showcasing cars, there will be over 20 vendors, several food trucks, and live music performed by almost 200 scholars. Raffle items include a big-screen TV donated by Spencer’s TV & Appliance. The event takes place this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the parking lot.
Sports events are also upcoming, and the community is encouraged to check the calendar for details.
Gratitude was expressed towards parents who contributed to the Teacher Appreciation lunch's success through food or time.
State testing dates will be shared in the coming weeks, with all tests conducted during class time except for an Online Day on Tuesday, March 25th for grades 7th, 8th, 9th, and 12th.
Heidi Udall concluded her message wishing everyone a great weekend.