Mayor Kevin Hartke, City of Chandler | City of Chandler website
Mayor Kevin Hartke, City of Chandler | City of Chandler website
Chandler City Council awarded a professional services agreement to Dig Studio, Inc. for Dr. A.J. Chandler Park Renovation Phase 1 Design Services during their meeting on Aug. 15.
Located in Downtown Chandler, Dr. A.J. Chandler Park is frequently used by residents and visitors, especially as a venue for special events like the Tumbleweed Tree Lighting. The park was last renovated in 1986, and since then, the area has seen significant growth with the addition of multi-family housing, office spaces, and retail developments.
The number of special events utilizing the park has also increased to more than 100 per year. To address these changes, the city completed a Master Plan for Dr. A.J. Chandler Park in 2017 after extensive public outreach identified necessary improvements including enhancements to special events areas, a safer crosswalk at Arizona Avenue, installation or removal of failing infrastructure (water fountains, restrooms, landscaping/irrigation), electrical and power needs, and ADA improvements.
An update to the Dr. A.J. Chandler Park Master Plan was completed this year to ensure alignment with current needs and priorities. This update confirmed concerns from 2017 and outlined phases for improvements.
The professional services agreement will focus on Phase 1 of the design which includes removing end-of-life water features, increasing shade for passive and active uses, updating landscaping and irrigation systems, activating the east side of the park with seating areas, installing new restrooms, enhancing event programming space, and improving crossing at Arizona Avenue while maintaining existing parking.
Staff presented the updated 2024 Master Plan during a City Council Work Session on May 9 where City Council directed staff to proceed with complete design of Phase 1 while minimizing costs where appropriate and planning for construction funding.