Mesa High School Principal Kirk Thomas (2023) | Mesa High School
Mesa High School Principal Kirk Thomas (2023) | Mesa High School
Mesa Public Schools is inviting community members to provide feedback on potential curriculum resources for high school mathematics courses. The district is considering materials for courses such as Financial Algebra (MA 67) and Introduction to Statistics (MA 57).
Community members can review the proposed materials digitally through provided links or schedule an appointment with the Learning Systems department at the Curriculum Services Center located at 549 N. Stapley Dr., Mesa, AZ, by calling 480-472-0262.
The resource titled "The Practice of Statistics" will be customized to meet course objectives and will cover Chapters 1 through 9 for the Introduction to Statistics course.
Feedback from the community can be submitted using the Community Feedback Form.
Las Escuelas Públicas de Mesa buscan comentarios de la comunidad sobre los recursos curriculares para cursos de matemáticas de secundaria. Se consideran materiales para Álgebra Financiera (MA 67) e Introducción a la Estadística (MA 57).
Los miembros de la comunidad pueden revisar los materiales propuestos digitalmente o programar una cita con el Departamento de Learning Systems en el Curriculum Services Center, ubicado en 549 N. Stapley Dr., Mesa, AZ, llamando al 480-472-0262.
El recurso titulado "The Practice of Statistics" se personalizará para cumplir con los objetivos del curso y cubrirá los Capítulos del 1 al 9 para el curso de Introducción a la Estadística.
Los comentarios pueden enviarse utilizando el formulario Community Feedback Form.