Jessica Moya Assistant Principal | Official Website
Jessica Moya Assistant Principal | Official Website
Next week, from Monday, February 24 to Friday, February 28, Franklin Accelerated Academy will hold early release days at 12:45 PM for Parent Teacher Conference Week. During this time, the Spring Scholastic Book Fair will also take place. Principal Merritt expressed gratitude towards the parent committee and volunteers involved in organizing these events.
The annual Franklin Family BBQ is scheduled for Thursday, March 6th. Attendees are encouraged to bring clear bags due to the size of the event. Order forms have been distributed for those who wish to purchase lunch from the cafeteria at a cost of $5 for adults or non-students.
Student lunch times have been organized as follows: Kindergarten from 11:00-11:15 AM, first grade from 11:15-11:30 AM, fourth grade from 11:25-11:40 AM, second grade from 11:35-11:50 AM, fifth grade from 11:50 AM-12:05 PM, third grade from 12:00-12:15 PM, and sixth grade from 12:10-12:25 PM.
The Spring Carnival is planned for Saturday, March 29th from 11 AM to 2 PM. This event serves as a major fundraiser for the school year. Jessica Phelps can be contacted by email for sponsorship opportunities. The carnival will feature raffle basket drawings with contributions welcomed based on themed baskets created by each grade level.
As a Title I school, Franklin receives funds that support educational programs through interventions in English Language Arts and Math and additional classroom staff. A Family Support Specialist also helps connect home and school environments.
Important upcoming dates include Parent Teacher Conferences with early release during February's last week; the Franklin Downtown Family BBQ on March 6th; Spirit Day (Mismatch Day) on March 7th; another early release day on March 7th; and Spring Break without classes occurring between March 10th and March 15th.
Contact information for Franklin Accelerated Academy includes their location at South Sirrine in Mesa Arizona along with an email address and phone number provided for further inquiries.
Tamara Merritt uses Smore to create newsletters.