Town of Gilbert
Recent News About Town of Gilbert
Gilbert Fire & Rescue Wants Your Feedback
The Gilbert Fire & Rescue Department wants to hear from you.
Census Bureau: 10.6% of people in Maricopa County identified as multiracial in 2021
Of the 4,367,186 citizens living in Maricopa County in 2021, 89.4% said they were only one race, while 10.6% said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in June.
Gilbert to Honor and Celebrate America’s Military Veterans
Veterans Day is a time to honor the heroes in our community.
October 30 Gilbert Police Update
The Gilbert Police Department was made aware of concerns made by a second-hand party involving a staff member at Higley High School.
1989 - The Year that Shaped Gilbert's Downtown Heritage District
1989 marked the end of a decade, but the start of an age in Gilbert.
Pickleball courts at Gilbert Regional Park to close for tournament
All pickleball enthusiasts and park visitors should know that pickleball courts at Gilbert Regional Park will be closed to the public November 2 through November 5.
Halloween Safety Tips from Gilbert Police & Fire
Halloween is just around the corner!
Maricopa County cities: 27 companies received FDA inspections in Q3 2023
There were 27 companies in cities associated with Maricopa County that received 27 FDA inspections in the third quarter of 2023, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Association.
Gilbert Launches Public Works Advisory Board
Gilbert has launched a new Public Works Advisory Board. Its members will serve as community advisors for public works-related projects and services.
Gilbert Police Lyons Gate Investigation
On October 16, 2023, Gilbert PD responded to a community park located at Ivanhoe St. and Rochester Dr. located within the Lyons Gate Community.
Cooking Safety Tips from Gilbert Fire & Rescue
Gilbert Fire & Rescue is joining departments around the nation in promoting Cooking Safety this Fire Prevention Week.
High school students encouraged to apply for 2024 Gilbert Student Government Day
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be the mayor or serve on your local council?
Gilbert’s Heat Relief Drive Nearly Triples Donations for 2023
With this summer’s record-breaking heat, Gilbert residents and businesses came together to donate 20,537 bottles of water during the 2023 Heat Relief Network drive, almost tripling the amount collected in 2022. Each year the Heat Relief Network aims to prevent heat-related deaths during the hottest months.
Gilbert Wins Two Awards from American Planning Association
Gilbert’s Development Services Department took home two awards at the Arizona Chapter of the American Planning Association's annual state conference this year.
Gilbert Fire & Rescue Launches Free Smoke Detector Service
A working smoke detector can mean the difference between life and death in the event of a fire.
Gilbert Partners with Local First Arizona to Certify Green Businesses
The Town of Gilbert is teaming up with Local First Arizona to promote sustainability efforts among Gilbert-based businesses and nonprofits.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2023
October is nationally recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).
6 Tips to Prevent Fall-Related Injuries
Gilbert Fire & Rescue’s number one call for service is falls, and residents age 65 years and older are the most at risk.
Public Hearing to Discuss an Update to Gilbert’s Land Use Assumptions, Infrastructure Improvement Plan and System Development Fees is November 28
This November, the Gilbert Town Council is holding a public hearing to review and discuss an update to the Land Use Assumptions and Infrastructure Improvement Plan associated with system development fees charged by the Town for public services like police, fire, parks and recreation, traffic signals, roads and intersections, water, and wastewater.
Win a Desert-Adapted Plant or Smart Controller at a Gilbert Landscape Workshop
Gilbert Water Conservation's free landscape workshops are back this fall. For the first time, residents will have the chance to take home a low-water-use plant valued at $50. One plant will be randomly given away at each session.